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Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm

Platanides: Through The Eye of The Storm

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Many Christians lived in Asia Minor (later Turkey) before the Armenian and Greek genocide by the Muslims at the outset of the twentieth century. The author; Planes, cronicals his father’s true life experience in an effort to make clear the precious freedoms that we have in the United States. This book presents the true story of a Christian boy and his escape from the genocide of Greek and Armenian Christians. This is a true story of the life of this boy who was born in Asia Minor in 1908; howhe, with his family managed to escape the genocide of Greek and Armenian Christians at the hands of Kamel Ataturk on September 13, 1922; how the boy’s family lived as refugees of genocide on the Island of Crete Greece where they survied World War II; how the boy left his family and immigrated to America; and the boy’s life in America. The book draws a contraxt of the family’s experiences as genocide refugees living in Crete and the boy’s life in America; how these events and those of World War II on the Greek island of Crete influenced them and their children; and his relationship as adults with the boy’s son, the author. The author emphasizes the Christian Orthodox Faith which was tousht to him by his parents. In response to a question about his Faith, the book and why he has written this book, the author stated “It was a lesson by my father to his kids that no matter what you’re confronted with in life if you trust in Christ and you believe without a doubt that Christ is with you, you can get through anything. That was what we learned at a very early age and that’s what stuck with me throughout my life.” The book is about the storms of life that the boy and his son experience and how their faith, especially as it was exercised in their daily lives, affected, and straightened them so they could go through the storms of life and emerge from the eye of those storms, remaining strong and devoted to their faith. The author explains how his father struggled to survive in Asia Minor and how his family’s faith in Christianity gave them the strength to survive. The book also deals with life under the Ottoman Turkish and Nazi regimes, and Gestapo tyranny compared with life in the United States of America. First is the events in Asia Minor; where Christians faced cultural, religious, and unethical genocide by the radical Muslims to eliminate the Christians or Christianity from Asia Minor and also genocide during the GrecoTukish war. Secondly, during World War II faced oppression by Nazi and Gestapo tyranny. Then life under the Constitution of the United States of America, where everyone has the right to have freedom of life, religion, speech, choice, and all other rights granted to the Citizens of the United States of America. The author advices and warns future generations to not take lightly the precious freedom we currently enjoy in the United States of America, freedoms bought for us through the many sacrifices made by our forefathers during the genocides of Christians by radical Muslims, Nazi and Gestapo tyranny, two World Wars, and many other wars. He warned that if we ignored and not protect the freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America, we may again be confrunted by radical genocide, suppression, and tyranny such as those experianced by our forefathers. These otrocities continue even today in most parts of the world; we could be confrunted by these otrocities in the United States of America if we did not value and actively protect these freedoms. The auator, Planes stated “I felt that what I had learned from my father combined with what the experience of his parents and siblings, our forefathers, are very important to what I had become.”
Condition: Good
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